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Home Care Services Can Help People Injured By Lead Poisoning

February 8, 2012

Lead poisoning is a serious medical condition that causes a growing concern about the environment pollution and occupational safety measures. Lead is a heavy metal that does not perform any useful function within the human body, but it causes a variety of harmful effects. Old water pipes, car battery factories, certain types of paint and other industrial materials are sources of household and environmental contamination associated with lead. Although the United States government has taken multiple steps and regulatory measures to control soil, water and air lead levels, lead poisoning is still a frequent occurrence.

Excessive amounts of lead accumulated in the body negatively affect almost every organ and system, especially the brain and peripheral nerves, the kidneys, the digestive system, the bones and the blood. Lead poisoning, also known as painter's colic or saturnism, involves symptoms such as headaches, confusion, abdominal pain, low red blood cell count, also known as anemia. In severe cases comas and seizures occur, and when lead levels are very high, and death is not uncommon.

Children are significantly more susceptible to developing negative brain effects because of their growing and developing nervous system. Children affected by lead poisoning frequently suffer from learning disabilities, lower intelligence, memory problems and behavioral issues. Home care is sometimes a vital necessity, especially for children, because lead poisoning causes long-term health effects that are relieved only after lead has been eliminated from the body, which is a process that may take years. Even after lead which was deposited in the body has been eliminated, most children still remain with neurological impairments that need to be effectively managed through specialized home care and therapy. If you need comprehensive and professional personal care services for your child or a relative who suffers from lead poisoning consequences, you may want to search a home care provider in your area so that they can provide extensive information on home care for this type of medical condition.

Lead poisoning is a difficult condition to treat. There is a special category of drugs, known as chelating agents which are sometimes used when blood lead levels are especially high after a dangerous exposure. These drugs work by binding various heavy metals within the body, including lead. Although they are useful for extreme cases, they are usually not employed when long-term moderate lead exposure occurs. This is because these drugs also tend to bind and eliminate useful chemical elements such as zinc, which takes part in important body chemical reactions. When seizures occur, especially in children, anticonvulsants are helpful in controlling them.

The most effective way to prevent lead poisoning remains avoiding or limiting exposure. Replacing the old water pipes, removing the old lead-containing paint and proper safety measures in factories are the best strategies currently employed. If a person has already been exposed to lead, proper nutrition and well-structured home care assistance, especially for children who suffer from neurological impairment, become a necessity. Learning disabilities, behavior problems and irritation are long-term consequences of lead poisoning that need to be effectively addressed through professional personal care.

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