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How to Keep Home Care Cool This Summer

August 4, 2022

Hot Minnesota weather means there are plenty of long summer days to enjoy, but these warmer days can also really impact the quality of life for care recipients—which can even feel unbearable at times. This is especially true for individuals living with existing health conditions. 

As a caregiver, it’s important to find fun ways to help keep people of all ages and abilities cool and comfortable during the hot Minnesota summers.

How to Stay Cool Outside in the Heat

When it comes to staying cool, it’s especially important for older people, younger kids, and anyone with health issues. Heat exhaustion or severe sunburns can cause real problems for these more vulnerable groups.

The first step is to stay hydrated. Your recipient of care might not tell you when they’re feeling thirsty, so remember that the average person needs to drink eight cups per day.

Split this into chunks:

  1. three glasses in the morning
  2. three in the afternoon
  3. two in the evening as a minimum, to avoid dehydration

When out and about in the sun, be sure to apply sunscreen regularly (SPF 30+), and try to keep heads covered with hats.

Summer Activities to Beat the Heat

There are some activities that are ideally suited to have fun in the sun, while staying safe at the same time. For example, visiting a local swimming pool or joining a water aerobics class is great at helping people stay active and cool at the same time. 

Many public pools and fitness centers offer water aerobics classes designed specifically for seniors and children, especially during the summer holidays. These classes are fun ways to enjoy the summer while staying active through safe and gentle exercises for healthy living.

Active classes like these are also great for keeping kids cool outside because it also keeps them distracted from the heat.

Days out can also be planned around where to find air conditioning. Many museums offer senior, child, veteran, and/or disability discounts, and are always well air-conditioned for the comfort of the visitors. Most facilities also provide adequate seating options for rest and relaxation.

Zoos and aquariums offer many of the same benefits. With zoos, just take care about how much time is spent walking outdoors in direct sunlight. Plan your visits for cloudy days or go early in the morning or in the later afternoon, to avoid the hottest hours of the day.

Get Connected with Best Care

At Best Care, we are dedicated to helping those in need of support, whether that’s senior home care, pediatric home care, or home care for disabled people. We understand that there’s more to quality home healthcare than finding the right personal care assistants—it’s also about improving the quality of life for those in need of support.

For more information on how to make recipients of care more comfortable during the long summer months, don’t hesitate to reach out to the team at Best Care. We’re here to help!

An older man holds his chest with one hand and with the back of his other hand to his forehead
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