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Tips for Helping Seniors Use Technology

July 10, 2020

We’ve previously written about how to help seniors adjust to using new technologies. Besides practicing patience, it’s important to minimize a lot of techy jargon when teaching seniors how to use their smartphones or other devices. 

Today’s blog goes a bit deeper and explores two technological advances that could make life easier for your senior parent or grandparent. If he or she is already comfortable with using a smartphone, it’s time to take things up a notch. Let’s get plugged in!

Top 2 Tech Tools for Seniors

Smart Speakers: Convenient and Fun

Getting started with a smart speaker can seem foreign and odd at first, but before long, they’ll wonder how they ever got by without one. Spend an afternoon with your loved one, in the home if possible, to pair his or her devices (i.e. smartphone, tablet) with a smart speaker. Help set it up so it works flawlessly! 

This article will help you get started with the right smart speaker for a loved one's home. Once purchased, here are just a few of the functions a smart speaker can provide through voice activation: 

  • Get questions answered without having to type them into a search engine. 
  • Adjust the thermostat and control the lights. 
  • Read and answer text messages. 
  • Control the TV and stereo. 
  • Get weather updates. 
  • Make phone calls. 
  • Create shopping lists and order items online.
  • Read the news.
  • Set a timer or alarm. 
  • Set reminders for things like taking medication. 

Imagine how much easier life will be for your loved one if he or she can have a smart speaker to assist in daily needs.

Browsing Online: Go Beyond the Basics

Our previous blog covered the basics of teaching a senior relative how to perform basic functions on a computer. Once your loved one is comfortable, it might be time to teach a few helpful tech shortcuts that will make the online experience even more enjoyable. 

  • Show your loved one how to create browser bookmarks for commonly visited websites. 
  • Teach the individual how to use keyboard shortcuts, such as Ctrl+C (copy), Ctrl+V (paste), Ctrl+T (new tab), and Ctrl+P (print) to save time. 
  • Set-up a password manager to auto-fill passwords on commonly used sites. 
  • Walk through Internet safety essentials, so your loved one doesn’t accidentally get “in trouble” online. For example, show the individual how to handle spam emails (i.e. don’t click the links!) and how to protect personal information when interacting online. 

Need More Tech Tools for Seniors?

We hope these tech tips for seniors are helpful for you as you teach a parent or grandparent how to navigate technology. Remember, Best Care is your go-to resource for family caregivers. Browse our blog page for more helpful articles on providing the best support possible to a loved one in need of home care services.  

Are you caring for a family member and would like to know how you can get paid? Contact Best Care today!  A staff member will be happy to help you.

A PCA shows her client a cell phone
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