CFSS is coming in Minnesota!
Best Care is proud to welcome Raina Marti and Maxine Scott to its dynamic team!
“I feel so lucky to work with this program—it is just the best—the best work I have heard of to support such a vast, diverse community and a group any one of us could belong to really, anytime. Individuals/families get a budget to control and can make plans for it whether that is:
We are so lucky to do this work.
Raina has almost 20 years of experience as a Fiscal Service Coordinator with participant-directed programs (e.g., CDCS, CSG, and Veteran Directed HCBS). As a lead staff, she consults on all aspects of FMS program, including
She provides support to participant employers and their representatives and attends local and national meetings and conferences. Raina also manages a caseload and supports other teams as the FMS subject matter expert.
Previously working as a family caregiver, as well as a direct care staff in nursing homes, group homes, and family homes, Raina has always felt fortunate to be able to assist families with support services.
“Being able to work with this program means a great deal to me. Years ago, I was a caregiver to a close family member with disabilities. At that time, my family and I had never heard of participant-directed services, but I wish we knew then what I know now.
She would have loved to maintain her independence, at least as much as possible, by staying in her own home, having more control over her care/staff, and receiving the support that worked best for her.
This program would have allowed her to do all these things and live out her life, her way. I am excited to play a role in the work we are doing for so many families. “
Maxine has a diverse accounting background with more than 18 years of experience. This includes several years working with participant-directed programs, specifically the VF/EA model. Her VF/EA experience includes performing, managing, or assisting with the following:
She provides general accounting oversight of the FMS processes, including set-up/enrollment of new participants (e.g., applying for EINs and Business Registration, fiscal agent authorization for tax reporting and payroll deductions), and assures compliance with all applicable federal and state tax, labor, unemployment, and workers’ compensation laws and regulations.
Maxine supports the entire payroll team as FMS subject matter specialist.
Best Care is a home care agency located in Minnesota. Its mission is simple: provide resources for individuals to find the home care services they need and offer reputable administrative services to caregivers throughout the Twin Cities.