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Can a Loved One with Dementia Receive At-Home Care?

May 14, 2021

Dementia is a difficult disease to manage, for both the individual and their loved ones. As the condition worsens, it can often be comforting for the person to be in their own home, surrounded by familiar sights. Of course, that also means you need to make sure they get the right level of care, even in their own home.

What is dementia?

Dementia is a degenerative disease that affects not just the memory, but also cognitive skills, such as being able to solve problems and complete everyday tasks. It can even affect people’s personalities. It’s much more than simple age-related memory loss and, as it worsens, will eventually affect every aspect of a person’s life.

Nonetheless, there are ways to take care of dementia patients to help them maintain as good a quality of life as possible. There are certain types of innovative therapies that have been known to help with dementia. Most importantly, at-home care can help dementia patients with everyday tasks that start to become difficult for them.

Can dementia patients be cared for at home?

For many dementia patients, at-home care can be the best form of care. Household tasks, like buying groceries, remembering to cook meals and pay bills, and organizing transportation can become extremely challenging. Knowing when a dementia patient needs to stop driving or other everyday tasks can be hard to define, but having someone on hand to support them helps make the transition as smooth as possible.

For others, at-home care may not be enough, especially for recipients of care with more severe symptoms. The decision always depends on the individual, as well as their loved ones. Taking care of someone with dementia can be draining on your own mental and physical health, making it an unsustainable situation for everybody. Research your options and look for guidance to make sure you find the right solution for everyone.

How do you care for a parent with dementia at home?

If you do opt for at-home care, it will of course come with its own challenges. What you need to do on an everyday basis will depend on the needs of the recipient of care. It might include basic domestic tasks, such as cooking, cleaning, or personal hygiene. It could also include paying bills and other administrative tasks. 

It’s also important to engage with dementia patients socially. It’s believed that social interactions and brain games can help engage their minds and slow the dementia symptoms. Simply having someone around to talk to also dramatically improves the quality of life and helps them retain a sense of identity and independence.

How long can a person with dementia live at home?

As dementia is a degenerative disease, it’s vital to do regular check-ins with medical professionals to make sure that at-home care is still the best option. There’s no set amount of time that a person with dementia can live at home. As long as it’s still providing the best quality of care and living for both the patient and the carer, it’s still a viable option.

If you have any other questions about home care for dementia patients, the team at Best Care is also always here to answer your questions. You’re not alone and there’s always support available should you need it. We’re here to help! 

An old couple walks down city streets together
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