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How To Get A Service Dog For Your Disability

October 21, 2024

At Best Care, we understand the importance of maximizing the quality of life for people with physical or mental disabilities. For many families, service dogs can be a transformative resource for achieving this goal.

These special companions provide valuable support and can help foster independence. Whether you're curious about how to get a service dog for free or eager to train your furry friend to meet service dog standards, this blog is a guide for starting the process in Minnesota.

What is a Service Animal?

The Minnesota Council on Disability has extensive resources for families interested in the rules and rights associated with service animals. Here’s how the MCD defines a service animal: “A service animal is a dog, or in some cases, a miniature horse, individually trained to do work or perform tasks for someone with a disability. Service animals are different from Emotional Support Animals (ESA) and can go almost anywhere with their owners.”

Service dogs are rigorously trained to assist individuals with various disabilities, encompassing physical, sensory, psychiatric, and intellectual impairments.

The distinguishing factor between service dogs and other support animals, such as Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) and Psychiatric Service Dogs (PSDs), lies in their training. Service dogs are specifically trained to perform tasks that directly address the handler's disability, offering more than companionship by actively facilitating daily functions.

Resources for Obtaining a Service Dog in Minnesota

The following websites have information about how families can start the process of acquiring a service dog in Minnesota:

Many organizations that provide service animals require documentation from a healthcare provider stating your need for an assistance animal is necessary. However, obtaining a service dog is not just about paperwork; the dog must be trained specifically to meet your disability-related needs.

How to Get Your Dog to be a Service Dog

Many families already have a dog that they want to train as a service animal, and are already wondering, “how do I get my dog to be a service dog?”

The good news is that professional training organizations can assess your dog for temperament and suitability. Dog Training Elite is a local resource that offers service dog training.

Alternatively, self-training is possible, though it demands considerable dedication, patience, and understanding of effective training techniques.

Once your dog is trained, you may find yourself asking, “how to get my dog certified as a service dog?” or “how to get a dog registered as a service dog?” The good news is that neither certification nor registration is mandated by law.

According to Dog Training Elite in the Twin Cities, “The ADA does not require special certification for service animals. State and local government agencies, businesses, and non-profit organizations may not require documentation, such as proof that the animal has been certified, trained, or licensed as a service animal, as a condition for entry. Mandatory registration of service animals in the city of residence is also not permissible under the ADA. However, service animals are not exempt from local animal control or public health requirements, such as vaccinations, or local dog licensing and registration requirements.”

While there is no formal legal requirement to certify your service dog, many find it beneficial to undergo public access tests, confirming the dog’s behavior in public situations to ease transitions and interactions.

Family Caregiving Resources

At Best Care, we are committed to supporting family caregivers and individuals seeking compassionate, reliable home care solutions. For any questions related to family caregiving, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help.

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