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The Different Types of Home Care Workers

November 25, 2020

Are you looking for some extra care at home for a loved one? Or maybe you would like to become a home care worker but aren’t sure which role is best suited to you? Here is an overview of all the types of home care workers, so you know which one is best for you and your personal situation. 

Assistant Care Providers

Assistant care providers are great for some extra care and attention at home, but their services do not include medical attention. That means that they spend their time helping people bathe, get dressed, or make food and might do some light housekeeping tasks, like buy groceries or clean and tidy around the house.

Personal Care Assistants (PCAs)

Personal care assistants, also known as PCAs, are very similar to assistant care providers, but can often be more involved in the recipient of care’s everyday life, helping to organize things like transport or socializing. Once again, they are not responsible for administering any kind of medical care.

Home Health Aides

Home health aides can help with day-to-day care tasks like PCAs and are also trained to carry out basic medical tasks, like measuring vital signs, administering medications, and using medical equipment. They will often have specific certifications that show what tasks they are qualified for. 


A physical or mental therapist might be brought in to provide specialized care for a particular area. For example, physical therapists help recipients of care to regain mobility after an injury, or occupational therapists can help people relearn how to do everyday tasks after an injury or illness.

Registered Nurses (RNs)

RNs need a Bachelor’s degree in order to practice and are therefore trained to a high level of nursing. They will often organize other home care workers where necessary and can develop care plans that address all of a recipient of care’s unique home care needs.

Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs)

A CNA must complete a state-approved nursing certification in order to practice, which means they can perform certain basic nursing tasks under the supervision of an RN. This could include helping recipients of care to wash, eat, get dressed, and administering certain aspects of medical care, with the proper training.

Vocational Nurses

Vocational nurses will be trained in a particular area of home care and carry out their home care duties under the supervision of a registered nurse. Their areas of expertise will vary depending on the situation and their training.

Connect with Best Care

To find out more about any of the types of home care workers mentioned here, the Best Care team is ready and happy to answer any questions you might have. Don’t hesitate to get in touch today!

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