Learn more about CFSS in Minnesota
There are many different types of home care services available for families and individuals looking for extra support. At Best Care, we do our best to find a personal solution that works for everyone. We pride ourselves on the wide variety of options that we provide.
Here are a few of the key areas where we can offer dedicated and caring support.
Personal Care Assistant (PCA) services help people with varying needs stay in their own homes and still receive the support they need. Receiving home care can be of great help to a range of different people, from children with autism through elderly individuals wanting to age in place.
Some areas of PCA services that we offer include:
Homemakers are PCAs who help with daily household tasks. Receiving home care is not limited to medical or disability treatments, but it could also include helping someone to dress, organizing transportation, or other daily necessities.
Home care services are not limited to the daytime; we know that sometimes support is needed 24/7. Night-time supervision is therefore one of the types of home care services that we offer, as well.
You or your family only require home care services for a short time, perhaps to give the primary caregiver a break or to recover from an operation. You don’t have to lock in to any long-term commitments in order to receive home care. There is always a solution that will work exactly to your specific needs.
To find the home care services that best suit you, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Best Care. We are ready to answer any questions you might have about receiving home care.