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What Can Home Care Do For You? Find Support for Persons with Physical Disabilities.

January 9, 2015

Disability Home Care ResourcesMost of us will never understand the challenges those living with a physical disability face. Basic tasks, such as getting dressed or making a meal, can be a daily battle. You can’t help but admire the courage and strength those living with a physical disability bring to each day.

At times, the struggles of living with a physical disability can be overwhelming. This is where physical disability home care comes in. A family member or friend often provides this in-home care; however, professional personal care assistants are another common option.

Home care can benefit people living with various physical disabilities by assisting with:

  • Basic household needs such as running errands and preparing meals
  • Daily personal needs such as toileting, dressing, grooming, bathing, etc.
  • Health related needs such as transportation to doctor appointments or motion exercises

An often overlooked benefit of physical disability home care is the companionship that comes with it. Simply having a friend to talk with can do wonders for the morale of an individual living with a physical disability.

Family caregivers providing home care for relatives with physical disabilities typically don’t consider compensation for their services. This should not be the case. There are many government programs that can provide funding for caregivers in these situations. Contact Best Home Care today to learn more about how to get paid for taking care of a family member living with a physical disability.

Best Home Care serves personal care assistants providing physical disability home care in the Twin Cities. Contact us today if you have any questions about physical disability home care and how it can benefit you or a loved one.

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